Friday, January 1, 2010

Pizza Shop Waitress?

I don't remember the whole dream, but I remember that an old co-worker of mine, Robyn, was working at this pizza place as well. I'm pretty sure she was the cook.

I do recall that Stacey, my old boss, came in with her family for a meal and they ordered 4-5 pizzas. I was bringing out the last one to their table (which was outside at a picnic-like table), and had just about walked past the dumpster to their table and dropped the enormous pizza on the ground. It was fairly thin crust because I remember trying to pick it up and it was folding on itself, etc.

So I shouted to Robin to put another 4-5 pizzas in the oven (not sure why since I only dropped 1 pizza) and she did. Several minutes went by, I asked if the pizzas were ready, she said "I've got it, don't worry about it." Then she went to go put ice in something... so I helped her shovel ice into the buckets and once we were done with that, we saw gray smoke coming out of the oven. All of the pizzas were burned.

I don't remember Stacey's table complaining at all, but the dream itself was fairly vivid. I also recall thinking about a work incident before this where Stacey had accused me of not pulling my weight on a Content Aggregation project. Weird!

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