Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Shooting Range?

Last night's dream was fairly vivid as well... I dreamed I was at a firing range.  It was similar to what I remember the Humane Society outdoor kennels looking like and also similar to batting cages.. and yes, the gun range was outside.  Fencing was the only thing that separated the ranges and I remember thinking that really didn't seem to safe.

I recall that my mom was there with me and really wanted me to come back on Tuesday to do another round, she was scared of something and wanted more practice.  Weird, because my mom is pretty anti guns.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Slow Down!!!

A couple of days ago, I dreamed or remember having the feeling of going way too fast on the highway.  I think I was just in the moment and didn't realize how fast I was going, but when I looked down at the speedometer, it read 181!!!  Of course, just as I looked down, I saw a cop ahead who was clocking people.  Of course, I got pulled over... shortly before he got to my car, I woke up, though!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Pizza Shop Waitress?

I don't remember the whole dream, but I remember that an old co-worker of mine, Robyn, was working at this pizza place as well. I'm pretty sure she was the cook.

I do recall that Stacey, my old boss, came in with her family for a meal and they ordered 4-5 pizzas. I was bringing out the last one to their table (which was outside at a picnic-like table), and had just about walked past the dumpster to their table and dropped the enormous pizza on the ground. It was fairly thin crust because I remember trying to pick it up and it was folding on itself, etc.

So I shouted to Robin to put another 4-5 pizzas in the oven (not sure why since I only dropped 1 pizza) and she did. Several minutes went by, I asked if the pizzas were ready, she said "I've got it, don't worry about it." Then she went to go put ice in something... so I helped her shovel ice into the buckets and once we were done with that, we saw gray smoke coming out of the oven. All of the pizzas were burned.

I don't remember Stacey's table complaining at all, but the dream itself was fairly vivid. I also recall thinking about a work incident before this where Stacey had accused me of not pulling my weight on a Content Aggregation project. Weird!