Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Kids, Gas, Basketball - Sept. 2, 2009

So the dream I remember from last night was that I started playing basketball with a couple of friends, of course, I wasn't very good!

Not too long after a group of kids, mainly Asian and Mexican (don't ask me why!) came and wanted to play. We played and I eventually got bored and walked away leaving my friends to play with the new group of kids.

Next thing I know as I'm walking away the kids are over by the gas pump that's near the playground and one grabs the pump and starts drinking it. I'm pretty sure that gas is bad for them, but I can't think of any evidence to say that it is. I start to panic, but instead of saying anything I walk away.

I think the gas station attendant came out and told them to stop and that it was dangerous, but I don't remember for sure.

Foods I ate the night before: meatloaf, green beans, mint chocolate chip ice cream, tums.

Scott had some interesting dreams last night, too. He woke me up twice last night after jerking in bed and was dreaming about an octopus type animal that was attacking him and another where a teenager was trying to hijack a car and he was chasing after the kid.

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