Sunday, April 25, 2010

I found a baby in an underwater cave...

While in Texas this past week, I recall having the strangest dream...

I was at an amusement park with my Dad (I think) and after riding some coasters, a lady told me to follow her.  I did and she dove into the water/pool that was underneath one roller coaster.  She was quite a bit ahead of me and the first thing I remember is the feeling of being pushed down.... like the bubbles in Super Mario Bros. for Wii!  That was a fairly deep pool, then I couldn't figure out where the lady went.  I finally found her in a cave like setting, it was underwater, but there were pockets that were above water and in one of these caves I found a baby.

I just remember thinking that people should give up their babies in a normal way and not just discard them like this!

I'm wondering if this has to do with the birth of the baby that I am donating breast milk for... I'm not sure if she has been born yet or not, but the adoptive parents did pick up my milk before I left for vacation.